Sapiens5.0 2018-05-27T15:23:55+00:00

Sapiens 5.0 Challenge

To deploy a comprehensive Technology for Humanitarian Artificial General Intelligence supporting a Dignified and Viable Society (DVS)

The initiative Sapiens5.0 (S5.0) tackles the grand Science and Technology challenge of building a viable and dignified society through sustainable Human-AI collaboration. S5.0 answers this challenge by realizing interdisciplinary, future-focused solutions. S5.0 comprises an international consortium from academia, industry and civil society that is committed to realizing advances on three interlocking scientific challenges central to the long-term stability of human societies: beyond the state of the art Humane Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), a new integrated science of the human condition and a new class of sustainable AGI compatible computation systems. Our unifying vision sees the development of beyond the state of the art science and technology supporting collaboration between humans and Artificial General Intelligence as a core component of the future deep social interactions required for advances in local and global problem-solving, understanding large-scale complex socio-technical systems and interdependencies, and to promote and capitalize on Europe’s unique cultural heritage and values to achieve major societal and economic benefits.

Sapiens 5.0  Program

S5.0 proposes to advance an international initiative to shape and accelerate the science, technology, and awareness required for a transformation that is critical for the long-term stability of our society.

The advances envisioned by the Sapiens5.0 consortium will assist in realizing a Dignified and Viable Society by targeting the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), rendering game-changing and critical impacts on economy and society. The synergistic science and technology program of Sapiens5.0 will be of direct benefit to European and Global society and pave the way for European global scientific, technological, industrial and intellectual leadership because it takes the global challenges of humanity as the drivers for visionary long-term, interdisciplinary and federated pan-European science and innovation.

Consortium Members

S5.0 comprises an international consortium from academia, industry and civil society that is committed to realizing advances on three interlocking scientific challenges central to the long-term stability of human societies: beyond the state of the art Humane Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), a new integrated science of the human condition and a new class of sustainable AGI compatible computation systems.

Paul Verschure IBEC/BIST ES Coordinator
Bill Hansson MPG DE
Roberto Cingolani IIT IT
Tony Prescott USFD UK
Marek Turcani CZU CR
Barbara de Salvo LETI/CEA FR
Peter Friberg SIGHT SE
Wlodzislaw Duch CS/Copernicus Univ PL
Jose Halloy – Mathieu Arnoux LIED UMR / INSH CNRS FR

International Initiative on Technology for Humanitarian Artificial General Intelligence

Lets Shape Our Future

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